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Showing posts from September, 2018

Motivation TIPR

Describe how the teacher and/or school motivate students. Give specific examples of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Include vocabulary from specific motivational theories (e.g., Self-determination Theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, etc.) and b e su re to  underline the concept's vocabulary  in your response. (Use your study guide as you go!) Motivating students can be tricky, especially in a subject like history where many students believe they're not interested or that history isn't relevant to them.  The first type of motivation that I've observed the teacher using is extrinsic motivation . One of my first days in her classroom involved a game that rewarded the group who could list the most terms, concepts, or ideas from the chapter and include a brief description to explain it. This was like big brainstorming session that allowed the groups to review the chapter and piece together different bits and pieces. This offered a few forms of extrinsic motivat

Assessment TIPR

How does the teacher assess student learning? Identify specific instances of informal and formal, formative and summative assessment and explain the types of assessments (e.g., self-assessment, portfolio, project, performance, etc.) that are used. How valid, reliable, biased, and practical are these assessments?  Be su re to  underline the concept's vocabulary  in your response. (Use your study guide as you go!) The teacher I'm observing uses a lot of classroom discussion ( informal, formative assessment ). She's constantly asking questions during her lectures to gauge whether or not the students are making connections between their outside reading & assignments and what they're supposed to be learning. She also played a fun game where they recalled names or terms from the chapter, and they had to include a brief explanation to convince her it was related to the chapter. That gave her a pretty good idea of which students were either not picking up on the informati

Metacognition TIPR

Metacognition: How is your cooperating teacher helping students develop metacognition and become more self-regulated learners? Include information about the type(s) of metacognitive knowledge being developed and address the metacognitive skills and/or the cycle of self-regulated learning. Be sure to underline the concept's vocabulary in your response. (Use your study guide as you go!) I've been observing in a high school history classroom. Some of the class periods are for concurrent enrollment students receiving college history credits for HIST1700 through UVU. The other class periods are mostly seniors taking U.S. Government. The teacher specifically talked to me about the difficulties that her concurrent enrollment (CE) students are having in regards to taking accountability for their own learning. Most of them seem to be waiting for her to drop the answers in their laps. The higher level thinking skills seem to be really out of reach for some of them. So this teacher has